WYDANIE styczeń – luty | 1 (35) 2023
5 warm-up activities to stimulate your pupils
When children come into the classroom, they can be sometimes shy or even not very eager to cooperate, that is why coming up with a very attractive idea at the beginning of a lesson can make them more open.
Natalia Tengowska
1. Walk of Fame
Before pupils come to the classroom, you should prepare a set of flashcards or word cards that you want to revise or introduce. Put all the cards on the floor in a line and then cover them with bubble foil. Ask children to take off their shoes, so that they can feel the bubble foil under their feet. The task is to go along “the path” made of cards and foil and say the words. As an alternative, we can ask children to jump on the cards so that they hear the buble foil crack. This is a very stimulating activity, which engages movement and gives a lot of fun.
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O autorze
Natalia Tengowska
Pasjonatka nauczania języków obcych w niestandardowy sposób. Na co dzień uczy języka angielskiego i hiszpańskiego w swojej szkole językowej Poliglota w Lubawie, na Mazurach.